Date. Wednesday, March 11, 2020 – 09:00

Place: Brussels

Within the framework of the European Green Deal FERRMED discuss, in Brussels, the strategic development plan for the Study of Traffic and Modal Shift Optimization in the Central European Network.

The Steering Committee of the FERRMED Multisectoral Working Groups (FMWGs) met simultaneously in Brussels, at the headquarters of the Association, and in Barcelona, at the College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia, to discuss the strategic development plan for the FERRMED Study of Traffic and modal shift optimization in the EU, which will define European logistics hubs and the location of railway connection points to reduce road congestion.
To enable participation, the meeting was transmitted via Skype.

Achieving the objectives of the EC Transport White Paper, within the framework of the European Green Deal

The FERRMED Study will detail traffic flows by transport mode and globally, section by section, on the 9 corridors of the “Core Network” of the EU. It will analyze measures to be taken to optimize modal distribution in the most congested areas (Backbone Network), country by country, and will propose the necessary actions to be carried out on the railway network to achieve the objectives of the EC White Paper for 2030 (at least 30% of land freight transport to use the railway and barge in distances over 300km).
It is timely, because, according to the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, a priority for this legislature is the European Green Deal, which must extend to all activities, especially transport, which must be more efficient, cheaper and more environmentally friendly.
In this sense, in addition to the financial advantages of the study (lower transportation costs), those of an environmental nature are enormous. It could achieve savings of more than 40 million tonnes of emissions every year and contain the growth in the number of trucks on highways.

Proposing the right solutions to move from the road to the railway

A key issue is the map of the European Strategic Intermodal Terminals (ports included) that are worth considering as logistics “hubs” and defining the characteristics required by rail connections between them. It is intended that the terminals are always connected with at least two railway lines and at least one is connected to the “Backbone Network”.
This study requires approximately 1,600 person-days work and will be completed during 2021. It will be a trigger to sensitize member states and the EC of the need to have a Common Plan, of mandatory implementation, to improve the European transport system. It will also serve to improve the operation of trains so that they are more intelligent and efficient.

European institutions have welcomed the study with great interest

The study has been presented to the EC (DG MOVE, DG Environment, DG Climate and SHIFT2RAIL management, ERTMS Coordinator), the European Railway Agency and the top management of relevant institutions. All have welcomed the project with great interest. It is now being shown to prominent members of the European Parliament.
On February 13, a meeting of the FERRMED Study General Steering Committee was held at the Barcelona College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia.