Date: Tuesday, July 9, 2019 – 08:15

Place: Zhengzhou


FERRMED and Zhengzhou Municipal People’s Government, are promoting the Eurasian Connectivity and Industrial Cooperation Forum on the framework of the Belt and Road initiative.

The main proposals of the Forum are:

  • Identify the Eurasian key innovative logistics, industrial and technological hubs and to interconnect them through an efficient multimodal combined transport & communication systems.
  • To consider the most advanced procedures (intelligent trains & terminals, digitalization, data sharing, blockchain and smart inter-cities links) involved in the 5G and Circular Economy propositions.

On 2019, two editions of the Forum are envisaged. The first one in Zhengzhou on July 9th and the second one in Brussels on November 6th.

The two editions are fully complementary and totally engaged in the main targets of Belt and Road initiative.

In Zhengzhou edition the main topic is related to “The Clusters of Multimodal Transport and Business Innovation” at Eurasian level. In Brussels edition, we will investigate how to interlink such clusters with smart transport & communication systems on the framework of 5G and Circular Economy.

More than 70% of the world’s population lives in Eurasia. Trade among different countries in this huge continent has been growing steadily, particularly between China, the European Union and Russia. Trade with India and South-East Asian countries is also growing.

The fast development of the Chinese economy and the interdependence of technological and manufacturing processes with the EU, requires to reconsider the interrelation between Eurasian main business hubs developing an efficient Trans-Eurasian transport system, to improve products consistency and restrain costs.

To attend properly such significant challenges, multimodal transportation system reliability is a key and railway has to play an important role as one of the most sustainable transportation mode.

The optimization of Trans-Eurasian multimodal transport system performance requires a compatible network of Strategic Trans-Eurasian Terminals located in large business, industrial, technological and logistics hubs, that we calls in a simplified way, “Strategic Trans-Eurasian Hubs” (see figures 1 and 2).
The key Eurasian Socio-economic Mega-regions are in fact clusters or agglomerations constituted by such kind of hubs.

Research, Development, Innovation, Identity, Impact and Infrastructure (R+D+4i) are main topics that require strong involvement in order to consider a hub as a tangible “Strategic Trans-Eurasian Hub”. See the main attributes of the six factors of excellence in the following table:

Furthermore, the smart conception of the hubs and the smart interconnection links between them, in the framework of 5G and Circular Economy postulates is a main issue.

Benchmarking, common understanding and collaboration between main Eurasian Strategic Hubs and clusters is a key to achieve the targets of Belt and Road Initiative.

In this Forum all these points will be duly analysed by key stakeholders and experts from all over Eurasia.